Manual Therapy
Soft tissue manipulation in order to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability.
Initial Evaluation and Assessment
All appointments require an initial evaluation and assessment:
Initial evaluation/new patient appointment: 60 min.
The initial evaluation will be our chance to discuss your medical history, your personal goals,
and form a treatment plan. Our goal is to treat the underlying cause of your musculoskeletal
imbalance, not just the symptoms.
What is the difference between massage therapy and manual therapy?
What comes to mind when you think of the word massage? If it's trickling water, the smell of lavender essential oil, and meditation music then you are not wrong. Swedish/relaxation massage is the most well-known type of massage for a reason. It provides relaxation, stress relief, decreased anxiety, improved sleep patterns, and increased blood circulation. But, there is another side to massage therapy-structural bodywork, which is a form of manual therapy.
The main differences between these two types of therapy are the intent of the therapist and the goal of the client. During a Swedish massage appointment, the intent as a therapist is to provide complete relaxation to the client. This is done by incorporating broad, flowing strokes that will help calm your nervous system. During a clinical/structural appointment the intent is to address your underlying causes of pain. By simply going through the motions of life, our body is subjected to countless stressors. Actions such as sitting for prolonged periods of time, car accidents, emotional distress, improper sleeping habits, poor posture, etc. can alter your body's "normal", causing the body to send an alarm to the brain. This alarm can be described as pain that is sharp, dull, achy, tingling, numbness, even ringing in the ears is sometimes the result of a musculoskeletal imbalance.
Oftentimes, both the therapist and client become focused on where the pain is being felt. Where the pain is being felt is usually not where the pain is coming from. We commonly experience referred pain, and many health care providers are not familiar with these referred pain patterns. For example, many people deal with chronic tension in the neck and shoulders. They develop knots in their back that therapist after therapist has tried to get rid of. The solution to this issue is not to relax/lengthen the muscles in the back. The true source of the tension is the abdominal and pectoral muscles that pull down on the rib cage and cause the neck and shoulders to contract harder in opposition to the abdominals.
What can manual therapy treat?
- Whiplash injury
- Degenerative disc disease
- Nerve pain
- TMJ dysfunction
- SI joint pain/degeneration
- Knee imbalances
- Sciatic Pain
- Frozen shoulder
If you are receiving steroid injections, contemplating knee, back, neck, or shoulder surgery, cannot seem to hold chiropractic adjustments, completed a physical therapy program and are still in pain, or feel like you have exhausted every other option, do not lose hope.

Manual Therapy Pricing
$70 - 60 minutes
$110 - 90 minutes
$140 - 120 minutes
The extent of the injury, medical history, etc., will impact the amount of hands on therapy received during the initial assessment.
Packages Offered
4 pack of 60 minute appointments $260 (save $20)
4 pack of 90 minute appointments $400 (save $40)
4 pack of 120 minute appointments $510 (save $50)
Although people usually feel immediate relief from manual therapy, more than 1 appointment is typically needed to reset the body's nervous system. Our goal here is long term relief, not just treating your symptoms.